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The Best Solution to Sexual Harassment While Shopping

Saturday mornings, as a patron of my local neighborhood corner store, I’d make quick stops to grab a few Jamaican beef patties, coconut water and seasonal rum cake.

One weekend, I purchased my items, the store owner left the register and approached me. He thanked me for shopping with him and went in for a hug. As I, uncomfortably, reciprocated, what I perceived to be an innocent, amicable hug, he attempted to kiss me on my lips. I quickly turned my face to avoid it, but it landed on my cheek.

After I left, I cried and cried and cried.

I felt blindsided, moreover, powerless.

I spent many nights trying to remember each shopping experience I’ve ever had in that store.

I pondered — has he made advances at me before, but I slighted them?

Could he have perceived my kindness as flirting? Does he hug and kiss all of his customers? Why do I feel so embarrassed? And lastly, what will I say to him the next time I go there to shop?

As much as I’d miss shopping there, I knew the only solution to this was to shop elsewhere. Somewhere that is safer. Being that the element of touching was present, I could’ve contacted the police and inform them of it; but my first reaction was to get out of there and never see his face again.

He was intentional and I was repulsed.

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