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My ISTJ Life

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

The Big Four

If you’ve ever seen four random letters, such as “ISTJ” or “ENFJ,” you might be interested to know they’re not just a trendy new acronym. These four-letter types are possible results of a 90 plus-question (give or take) personality assessment called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—a psychological instrument that’s been around for 75 plus years.


My youngest sister shared a link with me which I clicked on 5 months later 16personalities test I was amazed by how precise it is! A great asset for any life situation. I didn’t except this one link to put so many aspects of my life in perspective. I took the Myers Briggs (MBTI) Personality test and discovered my personality type is ISTJ. The insights I gained about why I do the things I do and avoid other things are invaluable.

According to, a website that analyzes the personalities on the MBTI spectrum, ISTJ is most known for being dependable and perseverant. They are quiet, serious, responsible, loyal individuals, who believe in time-honored laws and traditions. They possess a deep desire to promote security and peaceful living. They are detail oriented and appreciate planning.

I feel less detached, knowing many others face the same challenges that come with my personality type. I could only imagine if I delved deeper into the premium membership profile, which many have testified offers deep self-analysis and advice to manage my feelings. MBIT was profoundly written with research accuracy, and integrity, to the core.


The profiles are a godsend for me in my role as I consider a career change, steering me to make high informed decisions. Down to the recommended “best career choices” mirrored my recent desire for a career change.


After sharing the link with various family members, I also discovered that my husband and I ranked the least in relationship compatibility. Were we kindred spirits? — No. Were we in the next category? Absolutely Not. I immediately wondered how I could be in an 18-year marriage with a man whose personality is the opposite of mine. We have good and bad times, for sure, but after this personality test, it all became clear to me.

What started as a fun online test resulted in a meaningful, insightful look at my everyday life, work, and relationships. Although my spouse and I had very little in common, our differing personalities allowed us to learn from and grow from each other. This marriage has stretched us as far as our imagination could ever fathom.


Pertaining to the MBTI, we all have and use all 8 cognitive functions: introversion, extraversion, intuition, sensing, feeling, thinking, perceiving and judging.

"I"ntroversion VS "E"xtraversion

i"N"tuition VS "S"ensing

"F"eeling VS "T"hinking


"P"erceiving VS "J"udging

Your personality profile is made up of the four most dominant characteristics of each category.

Do Personality Profiles Change Overtime?

I guess only time will tell. I'll assess myself in December. With each day, our perspective changes. We are ever-evolving beings. I'll keep you updated on whether or not I've shifted to another part of the spectrum.


Leave a comment to let me know if you've taken the personality test or if your personality type has changed, after retaking the test.

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